Saturday, April 08, 2006

Scene 3

Tuco’s Lament: A Spaghetti Western Morality Play

Draft: 06/04/07

Scene 3: Dream State

Setting The Scene:

Everyman is out in the desert having come from somewhere or going somewhere. The fire is glowing at his feet. He is sitting with his back against a large log and his bed roll stretched out underneath him. His trusty horse is tethered close by among the cacti. There is a magnificent view of the distant mountains and a rising sun. He appears to be sleeping but is restless, as he appears to be having some disturbing dreams.

What we understand is that he is dreaming, not of his worldly riches as God supposed. He is beginning to dream of war, as if he had been exposed to it recently and it haunts his dreams.


Death stops speaking. The light on the God Prop is extinguished. The music rises.

There is no dialogue in this scene. There is just soft music from the GBU.

There is a new prop in place of the God prop. It is a wheel that exposes picture as it rotates. These pictures are illuminated as the light rises to expose it.

These pictures are taken from the war scenes of TGBU and have been shaded brown to show the ravishes of war. As Everyman appears to experience more fitful sleep, the picture cycle slowly through to their conclusion.

As this happens, the lights illuminating this prop decreases along with the timing of the music. When the music has faded out completely and the light is now extinguished, the light on Everyman begins to lighten to show that the dream state is completed and day break it happening.

At this moment, Death slowly enters stage right so that he is facing Everyman, who is then startled form his restless sleep.

The Wheel of Dreams prop is removed during this transition but the light is left for later?


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